Author & Storyteller

Judith Heaney

I believe we are all called to create & we each have a story to tell that matters. My goal is to inspire each of us to live out our best story through my words and the stories I write. I hope my words encourage you or even more you see yourself (or who you want to be) in one of my characters. Even more, I’d love to hear when either of these happens for you!

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My Story

Judy... reading

My mother tells the story of when I was four and I worked and worked and worked at signing my name so that I could get a library card. That moment when the librarian handed me that blue card with the small metal etching in the corner and my name proudly scrawled on the back was the moment my world changed.

Not only could I now check out as many books as my four-year-old arms could carry, I had access to a great wide world of adventure and discovery. It was then that I fell in love with stories.

That is a love affair that continues still. I have been known to stay in my pajamas in bed all day on a Saturday with a new book while my husband graciously brings me food and drink until I’ve finished the whole thing. I have been guilty of navigating the streets of Boston with my nose in a book because it held me rapt in its unfolding story. I have been known to stay up into the wee hours because to put down a compelling, page-turning story was not a choice. Stories have the ability to change our lives, inspire us, encourage us and share with us deep truths.

My goal with my words here as well as in the books I publish is to create that experience for you, dear reader. Because as a lover & a writer of stories, I see story not only in books or movies, but in the lives each of us has been gifted. In fact, I am certain story is at the core of who we are and how we relate to the world around us and each other.

As one who looks at the world through the lens of storytelling, I now understand more deeply how not only do our lives intersect with the lives of others, but how we have the opportunity to impact and influence another’s story by our words and actions. It is my hope the words I write will encourage you, my fellow sojourners in this life, to create and live out a story that reflects your best selves and also inspires the best in others.

My Writing

The Kismet of Our Creative Lives

(this post contains affiliate links) A few years ago I discovered a book by Elizabeth Gilbert called, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear and devoured its words and ideas zestfully. Because it inspired me as much as it did, I also got the audio version, read by...

Fridays That Feed Our Hyperfixations

Who doesn’t love Friday's arrival? Unlike the rest of the week, Friday brings with it an anticipation the other days of the week cannot necessarily equal. Because my husband is a music director at a local church and works on Sundays, Friday and Saturday officially are...

There’s Nothing Ordinary about Love

Today is 6 months to the day that we woke up to the devastation of Hurricane Helene—no power, trees down, no cell phone service, and no idea how bad things actually were beyond our small neighborhood. Those were some unpredictable days during unprecedented times....

Our Yin Yang Teen Harmony

One of my favorite things each day is getting to catch glimpses of the many ways my teen girls interact and connect with one another. It is wonderfully varied and always encouraging and it fills my heart to overflowing with joy. In many ways they are a lot alike, but...

Messy Days Bring Out Empathy & Team Work

Some days are pretty much like feeling your way through a dark room during a power outage—you know the lay of the land but in the dark sometimes you walk into a piece of furniture nonetheless. Still, if you’re astute enough to track the weather and know there’s a...

Judith Heaney

I hope the stories I write encourage my fellow sojourners in life to create and live out a story reflecting your best selves and inspiring the best in others.

Copyright © 2025 Judith Heaney. All Rights Reserved.