Author & Storyteller

Judith Heaney

I believe we are all called to create & we each have a story to tell that matters. My goal is to inspire each of us to live out our best story through my words and the stories I write. I hope my words encourage you or even more you see yourself (or who you want to be) in one of my characters. Even more, I’d love to hear when either of these happens for you!

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My Story

Judy... reading

My mother tells the story of when I was four and I worked and worked and worked at signing my name so that I could get a library card. That moment when the librarian handed me that blue card with the small metal etching in the corner and my name proudly scrawled on the back was the moment my world changed.

Not only could I now check out as many books as my four-year-old arms could carry, I had access to a great wide world of adventure and discovery. It was then that I fell in love with stories.

That is a love affair that continues still. I have been known to stay in my pajamas in bed all day on a Saturday with a new book while my husband graciously brings me food and drink until I’ve finished the whole thing. I have been guilty of navigating the streets of Boston with my nose in a book because it held me rapt in its unfolding story. I have been known to stay up into the wee hours because to put down a compelling, page-turning story was not a choice. Stories have the ability to change our lives, inspire us, encourage us and share with us deep truths.

My goal with my words here as well as in the books I publish is to create that experience for you, dear reader. Because as a lover & a writer of stories, I see story not only in books or movies, but in the lives each of us has been gifted. In fact, I am certain story is at the core of who we are and how we relate to the world around us and each other.

As one who looks at the world through the lens of storytelling, I now understand more deeply how not only do our lives intersect with the lives of others, but how we have the opportunity to impact and influence another’s story by our words and actions. It is my hope the words I write will encourage you, my fellow sojourners in this life, to create and live out a story that reflects your best selves and also inspires the best in others.

My Writing

Making the Mundane Extraordinary

There are times when I identify way more with Walter Mitty than I care to admit. Specifically, I am talking about the 2013 film version starring Ben Stiller for the way the movie removes the hen-pecked spouse angle and imbues James Thurber’s original short story with...

Bad Hair Days Made Better

Confession: sometimes I would rather do anything than take a shower and wash my hair. I would more readily do laundry or clean the bathroom or have to do all of my Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve Day than expend the energy necessary to wash my hair (the showering...

They Have My Heart, No Matter What

In honor of Valentine’s Day, a day of which I am not a huge fan, I thought it might be fun to consider the ways these two amazing teenagers of ours have my heart—no matter what. Perhaps the greatest influence for this blogging series is God’s love for me. Christians...

Parenting Is for the Birds!

Every now and then I stumble onto an unschooling idea that resonates in ways I maybe could or even should have predicted and yet didn’t anticipate. What I love most about those ideas and moments is the way they often build on and play off of each other. One such...

Creating a Space for Their Art

As a creative person, I find other people’s creativity a wonderful well of inspiration from which to draw. I love to hear from other people regarding their creative journeys—their struggles, their celebrations, their newest artistic pursuits. That’s why I count myself...

It’s the Little Things

Every now and again I am reminded just how much I enjoy the little things of my life, things like quiet moments in the morning with coffee and prayer or watching the birds flit to and fro at our backyard feeders or simply having a conversation with one of my...

They’re on the Case of Self-Awareness

I once heard someone compare the journey of self-awareness to being the detective in your own life, uncovering the clues about your behavior and emotions. Watching the ways my teenagers daily grow in understanding themselves, I tend to agree with this detective...

They Are Practically Perfect in Every Way

If you’ve been following along with this series, you may be thinking I’ve raised some perfect teenagers; that is most definitely not true. That isn’t to say they aren’t the perfect teenagers for me or to me, but that still doesn’t translate into them being anywhere...

You Should Write on the Couch

A few months ago I opted to give away my writing desk and while there were many factors involved in that decision, none of them had anything to do with whether I was going to continue writing. Unfortunately, most of the considerations had to do with the small space in...

They Boldly Go Their Ways

Do you remember the words from the original Star Trek series, the ones spoken in the opening sequence of the Enterprise shooting through a galaxy of stars? It was the mission of the starship: “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship...

Fearless Enough to be Afraid

I’m not sure exactly when it happens, but there comes a time when we cease admitting  our fears. We don’t stop being afraid; we simply stop admitting when we are. Perhaps we choose to hide our being afraid from others hoping it will make us less afraid. Or maybe...

They Make No Small Gestures

There is no greater statement of love than…bacon. I don’t know if bacon is your thing, but at our house, we consume quite a lot of bacon; it is after all one of the favorite foods even on the restrictive diet menu here. For as long as I can recall, that menu has...

They Are Slivers of Light

The other day I read a post from singer/songwriter JJ Heller that resonated with me. It was fairly short, but its point definitely hit home. Her first words spoke to the sense of fear and anxiety life too often stirs in us: “There are and always will be things and...

My Genius—Admonished & Admired

In my experience with teenagers, which includes teaching college freshmen and high school seniors, a short stint as an interim youth minister, and now raising up my two girls, I’m just going to go ahead and say it: if a teenager ever refers to you as a genius without...

Solidarity, Sister…

If you have a brother or a sister, you likely have experienced sibling rivalry over the years, whether overtly or rather more discreetly. And, if you are a parent, you have definitely encountered the competition and jealousy between your children; unfortunately,...

They Make Me Feel Like Dancing

Life can feel overly serious at times, and that is one of the reasons I like to look for some of the more lighthearted reasons why I love my teenagers; and there are many as I am learning. As we head into a new month, I have been considering where we are as a family...

They’re a Slice of My Life

For several years, when our girls were younger, I decided it would be fun to make Fridays homemade-pizza night for our family. Years before that, my husband and I discovered the Boboli brand pizza crusts and used those occasionally. We also thoroughly enjoyed...

They Tell Tales out of School

Back when I was a newspaper reporter, I dove into many in-depth feature articles as part of my story assignments, including one story in which I went back to school. Indeed, I was young enough at the time that I attended the local high school for the day as a student...

They Are My Favorite Pun-dits

I think we can all agree that laughter provides a strong antidote for a dreary or overwhelming moment; it can feel like turning a light on in a dark room. In fact, when things feel bleak or out of my control, sometimes I prefer a good laugh to a good cry. Also, I may...

I Can Read Their Anger

Can you remember the first book that made you cry? Perhaps one that caused you to laugh uproariously when you were alone (Confederacy of Dunces, a book one really should read aloud with a friend or spouse)? Or one that really incited your anger (To Kill a...

They’ve Got the Dish on Me

Let’s talk turkey about being a stay-at-home parent, shall we? It’s not quite so glamorous as those 1950s television shows led me to believe. Okay, nothing led me to believe staying at home as an unschooling homeschooling mom would be glamorous. Even so, it’s not a...

They Till the Soil

With the busyness and To Do lists we curate and cultivate, life can seem an awful lot like a race with little room to pause, explore, or experience the moments of our days. And if every day is little more than a mad dash, our hearts can become a little more frayed and...

They Are the Rory to My Lorelai

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Gilmore Girls, or maybe binged entire seasons at a time like me, you’ve probably noticed the relationship Lorelai Gilmore has with her daughter, Rory. They are like peas in a pod, best friends, travel buddies, and even a bit of a...

They See Me

Let’s face it. We all have hard days, the kinds of days that require more from us that we feel we have the capacity with which or the ability to provide or pour out into those we love. Most of the time, we show up and give, supplying what we can, even when it is more...

They Are My Cream & Sugar

365 Reasons I Love My Teenagers I am a long-standing coffee drinker; and what I mean by that is that I’ve been drinking coffee for so long now I don’t actually recall when I had that first cup of coffee (note to self, that is something I definitely want to recollect...

They’re My Home

As I begin today’s words, it occurs to me that perhaps there isn’t always something specific I want to talk about when it comes to the reasons I love my teenagers. Maybe that’s because there are days, like today, when I realize quite simply that when I spend time with...

They’ve Got the Write Stuff

Like so many teenagers, sometimes our girls will disappear into their rooms and we won’t see them for a few hours. It can almost seem like we don’t have kids at all when they squirrel themselves away in their upstairs spaces. And, actually, with our youngest, there...

They Can Be Critical

As our children grow up, we get to bear witness to the ways they change and develop and begin to engage with the world around them. As we walk alongside them on their learning journey, we may also be privy to their critical ways—their critical thinking ways, that is....

They’re Game for Family Fun

Last year I thought it would be a great idea to implement a family game night to bring us all together for a time of family fun and bonding. As part of this plan, I even ordered several new board games for us. Unfortunately, the regularity I was anticipating creating...

Their Love Is in the Books

Each night I add to a gratitude list I started on January 1. It’s one of the ways I like to remind myself about the things for which I have to be thankful and last night was no different. At the top of last night’s entries? I wrote how much I loved and how grateful I...

They Can Quote Me on That

If you have teenagers, you are likely aware they have a language all their own, from their generation’s specific slang to turns of phrases to meme-inspired speak. Talking to your teen can perhaps at times inspire eye rolls—from you—depending on where their mind is...

They Are My Measure of Hope

On the hard days, when the winds of change and upheaval are blowing strong, it can be a challenge to remain steady in what feels like the storms of life. It can feel like an incredible challenge to find the way back to the safety of the harbor. Those are the days when...

They Tend to be Wafflers

Meal planning. I cannot tell you how many times I have said or mumbled those words to my husband, a friend, or myself. It’s a popular topic for blogs and social media platforms and a focus for stay-at-home and working moms (or dads) because, let’s face it, it’s...

They Make Offers I Shouldn’t Refuse

Sometimes, asking for help can feel like one of the hardest things in this world to do. Well, maybe except for accepting help when it’s offered. Because I don’t know about you, but letting someone lend me a hand can make me feel like I’m weak or vulnerable. Mind you,...

Their Weird Is the New Awesome

Why is it so challenging to find a place to belong? Do you remember those feelings from your teenage years? Honestly, I’m not sure fitting in is a uniquely teenage experience; at the age of 57, I’m still seeking my place in the world, seeking out like-minded people...

They Help Me Stay Active

By this point in this series you have likely realized that staying connected to my teens is one of the best ways for me actively to love our teenagers. The more connected we are to someone, or something, the easier it is to recall the positive things we appreciate...

They Are Still Children at Heart

As I have pointed out several times already in this series, my girls are a consistent source of inspiration and encouragement and I don’t believe that is merely a happenstance. I believe it is part of the way God blesses us as parents when we receive the children we...

They Rebel…Against Rebellion

The other day, when the girls and I had finished the first installment of our unschooling homeschooling time, the girls began chatting about different things, mainly music things, favorite characters from books, movies, and online series they’ve encountered, and...

They Are a Driving Force in My Life

I remember when our girls were babies, and into the toddler years, car rides were sometimes the saving grace for all of us: me for my sanity and ability to parent well, and the girls as a way to help regulate their out-of-control...

They Are Easy to Read…to

We are a family of readers and that is something I absolutely love about our family. While my 16 year old often will suggest she is not as much of a book nerd as the rest of us, she actually is more so than she thinks. While her sister may have what likely equates to...

They Can Be Puzzling

These cold months can make a person feel like not doing much of anything but snuggle under a blanket and cozy up with a good story, whether book or movie. There can also be a temptation to stare at a small screen and lose hours each day. To help us avoid falling into...

They Are a Perfect Reflection of my Imperfections

When you have kids, one of the side effects when around other people involves who your child looks like, you or your spouse. To be honest, no matter what other people have to say on this subject, I almost never see the resemblance to which they refer. In other words,...

They Are in Tune with Each Other (& Me)

Have you ever considered what kind of soundtrack your life might have if it were a movie? Or have you ever pictured your life as a musical where you and the people around you randomly break into song and dance? Personally, I’ve toyed with both of these ideas more...

They Test My Mettle

Nothing can cause me greater anxiety than my teenagers’ anxiety. Ironic, right? And yet this is a deeply true paradox for me and one I find myself facing way more often than I want to. It’s not because I feel inconvenienced or annoyed by either of my teens’ emotions...

They Have the Art of Inspiration

Pretty much from the time either of my girls could hold a crayon, a paintbrush, or a pair of scissors, they have demonstrated a proclivity for producing beauty in whatever form their supplies allow. Yes, this sometimes includes tiny specs of paper (or in one specific...

They Dare to Question Authority — Even Mine

Love is a choice and sometimes I have to remind myself to make it. Sometimes I have to recall how often I have encouraged my girls from the time they were toddlers to advocate for themselves. In fact, I have also persuaded them to question authority, whether that is an idea, something they read online, or something someone asks of them that feels off. And that list has also included, well, me.

Love Steeped in Laughter

Sometime around 2012 or 2013 I undertook a writing project called, Love in Marriage, wherein I catalogued 365 reasons I loved my husband on the premise that love is a choice and not merely a feeling. Those words resonated with many; unfortunately, those words also...

Reflections from the Valley

I walk in green pastures, meadows overflowing with wildflowers of various colors and heights. Blues and yellows and reds and oranges and purples and whites. In the distance row upon row of sunflowers. They beckon me forward. There is a stillness in this wide open...

Judith Heaney

I hope the stories I write encourage my fellow sojourners in life to create and live out a story reflecting your best selves and inspiring the best in others.

Copyright © 2025 Judith Heaney. All Rights Reserved.