Love in Health & Colds

If you’re married, or if you have ever watched a movie in which two people get married, you are probably familiar with wedding vows, including the line to love one another in sickness and in health. Now, while some vows have morphed over the years, some being dropped...

A Celebration of Great Joy

The beginning of the year for us translates into birthday season; birthday season falls just after the New Year with its short days and long nights of winter and just before Easter with its longer days and shorter nights of springtime. All three women in our household...

An Elixir of Laughter

In her book, Dusk, Night, Dawn: On Revival and Courage, Anne Lamott has a wonderful quote about laughter: “Laughter is carbonated holiness,” and on Instagram, she added it is also oxygenation and salvation. What I like about her description is how laughter...

They Have My Heart, No Matter What

In honor of Valentine’s Day, a day of which I am not a huge fan, I thought it might be fun to consider the ways these two amazing teenagers of ours have my heart—no matter what. Perhaps the greatest influence for this blogging series is God’s love for me. Christians...

They Are Practically Perfect in Every Way

If you’ve been following along with this series, you may be thinking I’ve raised some perfect teenagers; that is most definitely not true. That isn’t to say they aren’t the perfect teenagers for me or to me, but that still doesn’t translate into them being anywhere...