They Have My Heart, No Matter What

In honor of Valentine’s Day, a day of which I am not a huge fan, I thought it might be fun to consider the ways these two amazing teenagers of ours have my heart—no matter what. Perhaps the greatest influence for this blogging series is God’s love for me. Christians...

They Are Practically Perfect in Every Way

If you’ve been following along with this series, you may be thinking I’ve raised some perfect teenagers; that is most definitely not true. That isn’t to say they aren’t the perfect teenagers for me or to me, but that still doesn’t translate into them being anywhere...

They Make No Small Gestures

There is no greater statement of love than…bacon. I don’t know if bacon is your thing, but at our house, we consume quite a lot of bacon; it is after all one of the favorite foods even on the restrictive diet menu here. For as long as I can recall, that menu has...

They Make Me Feel Like Dancing

Life can feel overly serious at times, and that is one of the reasons I like to look for some of the more lighthearted reasons why I love my teenagers; and there are many as I am learning. As we head into a new month, I have been considering where we are as a family...
They’re My Home

They’re My Home

As I begin today’s words, it occurs to me that perhaps there isn’t always something specific I want to talk about when it comes to the reasons I love my teenagers. Maybe that’s because there are days, like today, when I realize quite simply that when I spend time with...