The Wholeness of Wellness

Is there anything better than when the mantle of sickness finally begins to lift? After nasal congestion and stuffed-up noses that make sleeping feel impossible and the sapping of energy from several days of feeling less than 100 percent, when the symptoms that have...

Love in Health & Colds

If you’re married, or if you have ever watched a movie in which two people get married, you are probably familiar with wedding vows, including the line to love one another in sickness and in health. Now, while some vows have morphed over the years, some being dropped...

Making the Mundane Extraordinary

There are times when I identify way more with Walter Mitty than I care to admit. Specifically, I am talking about the 2013 film version starring Ben Stiller for the way the movie removes the hen-pecked spouse angle and imbues James Thurber’s original short story with...

They Have My Heart, No Matter What

In honor of Valentine’s Day, a day of which I am not a huge fan, I thought it might be fun to consider the ways these two amazing teenagers of ours have my heart—no matter what. Perhaps the greatest influence for this blogging series is God’s love for me. Christians...

It’s the Little Things

Every now and again I am reminded just how much I enjoy the little things of my life, things like quiet moments in the morning with coffee and prayer or watching the birds flit to and fro at our backyard feeders or simply having a conversation with one of my...