Making the Mundane Extraordinary

There are times when I identify way more with Walter Mitty than I care to admit. Specifically, I am talking about the 2013 film version starring Ben Stiller for the way the movie removes the hen-pecked spouse angle and imbues James Thurber’s original short story with...

Bad Hair Days Made Better

Confession: sometimes I would rather do anything than take a shower and wash my hair. I would more readily do laundry or clean the bathroom or have to do all of my Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve Day than expend the energy necessary to wash my hair (the showering...

Creating a Space for Their Art

As a creative person, I find other people’s creativity a wonderful well of inspiration from which to draw. I love to hear from other people regarding their creative journeys—their struggles, their celebrations, their newest artistic pursuits. That’s why I count myself...

They Are Practically Perfect in Every Way

If you’ve been following along with this series, you may be thinking I’ve raised some perfect teenagers; that is most definitely not true. That isn’t to say they aren’t the perfect teenagers for me or to me, but that still doesn’t translate into them being anywhere...

They Boldly Go Their Ways

Do you remember the words from the original Star Trek series, the ones spoken in the opening sequence of the Enterprise shooting through a galaxy of stars? It was the mission of the starship: “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship...