Parenting Is for the Birds!

Every now and then I stumble onto an unschooling idea that resonates in ways I maybe could or even should have predicted and yet didn’t anticipate. What I love most about those ideas and moments is the way they often build on and play off of each other. One such...

They Are My Favorite Pun-dits

I think we can all agree that laughter provides a strong antidote for a dreary or overwhelming moment; it can feel like turning a light on in a dark room. In fact, when things feel bleak or out of my control, sometimes I prefer a good laugh to a good cry. Also, I may...

I Can Read Their Anger

Can you remember the first book that made you cry? Perhaps one that caused you to laugh uproariously when you were alone (Confederacy of Dunces, a book one really should read aloud with a friend or spouse)? Or one that really incited your anger (To Kill a...
They’ve Got the Write Stuff

They’ve Got the Write Stuff

Like so many teenagers, sometimes our girls will disappear into their rooms and we won’t see them for a few hours. It can almost seem like we don’t have kids at all when they squirrel themselves away in their upstairs spaces. And, actually, with our youngest, there...
They’ve Got the Write Stuff

They Have the Art of Inspiration

Pretty much from the time either of my girls could hold a crayon, a paintbrush, or a pair of scissors, they have demonstrated a proclivity for producing beauty in whatever form their supplies allow. Yes, this sometimes includes tiny specs of paper (or in one specific...