Daily Thoughts
Their Love Is in the Books
Each night I add to a gratitude list I started on January 1. It’s one of the ways I like to remind myself about the things for which I have to be thankful and last night was no different. At the top of last night’s entries? I wrote how much I loved and how grateful I...
They Can Quote Me on That
If you have teenagers, you are likely aware they have a language all their own, from their generation’s specific slang to turns of phrases to meme-inspired speak. Talking to your teen can perhaps at times inspire eye rolls—from you—depending on where their mind is...
They Are My Measure of Hope
On the hard days, when the winds of change and upheaval are blowing strong, it can be a challenge to remain steady in what feels like the storms of life. It can feel like an incredible challenge to find the way back to the safety of the harbor. Those are the days when...
They Tend to be Wafflers
Meal planning. I cannot tell you how many times I have said or mumbled those words to my husband, a friend, or myself. It’s a popular topic for blogs and social media platforms and a focus for stay-at-home and working moms (or dads) because, let’s face it, it’s...
They Make Offers I Shouldn’t Refuse
Sometimes, asking for help can feel like one of the hardest things in this world to do. Well, maybe except for accepting help when it’s offered. Because I don’t know about you, but letting someone lend me a hand can make me feel like I’m weak or vulnerable. Mind you,...
Their Weird Is the New Awesome
Why is it so challenging to find a place to belong? Do you remember those feelings from your teenage years? Honestly, I’m not sure fitting in is a uniquely teenage experience; at the age of 57, I’m still seeking my place in the world, seeking out like-minded people...
They Help Me Stay Active
By this point in this series you have likely realized that staying connected to my teens is one of the best ways for me actively to love our teenagers. The more connected we are to someone, or something, the easier it is to recall the positive things we appreciate...
They Are Still Children at Heart
As I have pointed out several times already in this series, my girls are a consistent source of inspiration and encouragement and I don’t believe that is merely a happenstance. I believe it is part of the way God blesses us as parents when we receive the children we...
They Rebel…Against Rebellion
The other day, when the girls and I had finished the first installment of our unschooling homeschooling time, the girls began chatting about different things, mainly music things, favorite characters from books, movies, and online series they’ve encountered, and...