Daily Thoughts

They Are a Driving Force in My Life
They Are a Driving Force in My Life

I remember when our girls were babies, and into the toddler years, car rides were sometimes the saving grace for all of us: me for my sanity and ability to parent well, and the girls as a way to help regulate their out-of-control...

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They Are Easy to Read…to
They Are Easy to Read…to

We are a family of readers and that is something I absolutely love about our family. While my 16 year old often will suggest she is not as much of a book nerd as the rest of us, she actually is more so than she thinks. While her sister may have what likely equates to...

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They Can Be Puzzling
They Can Be Puzzling

These cold months can make a person feel like not doing much of anything but snuggle under a blanket and cozy up with a good story, whether book or movie. There can also be a temptation to stare at a small screen and lose hours each day. To help us avoid falling into...

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They Are a Perfect Reflection of my Imperfections
They Are a Perfect Reflection of my Imperfections

When you have kids, one of the side effects when around other people involves who your child looks like, you or your spouse. To be honest, no matter what other people have to say on this subject, I almost never see the resemblance to which they refer. In other words,...

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They Are in Tune with Each Other (& Me)
They Are in Tune with Each Other (& Me)

Have you ever considered what kind of soundtrack your life might have if it were a movie? Or have you ever pictured your life as a musical where you and the people around you randomly break into song and dance? Personally, I’ve toyed with both of these ideas more...

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They Test My Mettle
They Test My Mettle

Nothing can cause me greater anxiety than my teenagers’ anxiety. Ironic, right? And yet this is a deeply true paradox for me and one I find myself facing way more often than I want to. It’s not because I feel inconvenienced or annoyed by either of my teens’ emotions...

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They Have the Art of Inspiration
They Have the Art of Inspiration

Pretty much from the time either of my girls could hold a crayon, a paintbrush, or a pair of scissors, they have demonstrated a proclivity for producing beauty in whatever form their supplies allow. Yes, this sometimes includes tiny specs of paper (or in one specific...

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They Dare to Question Authority — Even Mine
They Dare to Question Authority — Even Mine

Love is a choice and sometimes I have to remind myself to make it. Sometimes I have to recall how often I have encouraged my girls from the time they were toddlers to advocate for themselves. In fact, I have also persuaded them to question authority, whether that is an idea, something they read online, or something someone asks of them that feels off. And that list has also included, well, me.

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Love Steeped in Laughter

Sometime around 2012 or 2013 I undertook a writing project called, Love in Marriage, wherein I catalogued 365 reasons I loved my husband on the premise that love is a choice and not merely a feeling. Those words resonated with many; unfortunately, those words also...

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