Do you remember the words from the original Star Trek series, the ones spoken in the opening sequence of the Enterprise shooting through a galaxy of stars? It was the mission of the starship: “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.” I cannot recount the number of times that final phrase has played in my mind as I have watched our girls grow up, maybe because a child’s journey through their younger years are a bit like the Enterprise’s mission — they explore new worlds, they seek out new life, and they absolutely boldly go in all the directions.

Not much changes when those same children become teenagers. They are still on an expedition of discovery and I am thrilled to see the boldness with which each of my girls moves out into the world, exploring and seeking and discovering. Honestly, I think that is a requirement and perhaps even a rite of passage as a teenager, to boldly go our way. And yet, sometimes they do not always appear to feel the boldness new directions and discoveries require. There are times when our teens can feel more trepidation than brazenness. They falter and they question; they question themselves, their abilities and their worth and the trajectory they are traveling.

And I’m here for it. I am here to remind them who they are. I am here to point out their strengths. I am more than ready and willing to refuel their teenage audacity. There are enough ways life tries to steal our boldness along the way. The teenage years should be a time of intrepid teen temerity and I will celebrate it everytime I see it. And when I don’t see it, I will encourage its return.

Why? Because it reminds me that too often we let life overwhelm us, running us aground and off course. I crave the boldness I knew as a teenager and so I honor it in them when I am witness to their bold declarations about themselves. 

For example, last night, my younger teenager announced she was heading up to do some writing because inspiration had struck and she felt compelled to capture her ideas on her computer. Pretty much she missed almost all of Apollo 13 as she worked away in her room. The result? As the final credits of the movie were scrolling up the screen, she came strutting down the stairs, announcing her creative genius. Boldly announcing her creative genius, and I was thrilled to hear her proclamation referring to herself as a genius.

Immediately, the 16 year old hopped up from her spot and said she would have to read the results. The 14 year old wavered a moment — she had only written three pages in all that time. Her sister waved that off and headed up to read the outcome of the 14 year old’s efforts. I love that they encourage one another in these bold acts of creativity. I love that they are bold in their pursuit of something that fascinates them or calls to them. I love that they march boldly forth, going where so few of us dare to go these days and that is in the direction of our dreams and our heart’s desires.

Sure they falter, too. Sometimes they question who they are and what they are all about. Sometimes they lose sight of their genius and their boldness dims in those moments. But, again, I’m here for it. I am here to remind them unflinchingly just how truly amazing they are. I am ready at the helm with reminders of their genius and the wonder of the journeys they are only just beginning. I speak to them, and to myself, of worlds to discover and explore, of directions to determine, and of the freedom to boldly go where only they can go. I cannot wait to see where these two bold young women go and the wonder they discover along the way.