Never Too Soon to Reminisce

When we first saw the trailer for Inside Out 2, I remember my 16 year old telling me she wanted to see it in the theater. Going to the theater isn’t something we’d done a lot over the years, choosing to watch new movies at home where we could pause and rewind or fast...

Being Independent Together

When I was growing up and we were in math class, there was a strong focus on the importance of us doing math without the use of a calculator. The argument for this, as you probably know, was that clearly we wouldn’t have access to calculators everywhere we went. Oh,...

A Good Morning Routine

I am not a morning person, and, yet, I love mornings. Well, I love them once I pry myself out of my bed and head downstairs for some coffee and quiet time in my favorite chair. I enjoy the predictable routine and rhythm of my morning alone time with God, my Bible, my...

An Elixir of Laughter

In her book, Dusk, Night, Dawn: On Revival and Courage, Anne Lamott has a wonderful quote about laughter: “Laughter is carbonated holiness,” and on Instagram, she added it is also oxygenation and salvation. What I like about her description is how laughter...

Days of Small Joys

Have you ever looked out the window at the day and been struck by its incredible and perfect beauty? Whether the perfect shade of blue of the sky overhead that your eyes can capture in the limited view of the window or the sight of a small bird, maybe a robin, maybe a...