Laughter Is Gloriously Contagious

As we make our way through the second week of cold viruses here, I am celebrating something that’s truly and wonderfully contagious here, and that’s the laughter our family shares. As my girls ate dinner tonight, I considered how much I am missing our opportunities...

Baby Steps & Small Beginnings

Sometimes, when we try to measure our progress, we can miss how far we’ve come along the path of our journey because baby steps are harder to measure. And yet, they are the true measurement of our resilience and commitment in the face of difficult journeys. As we...

The Cumulative Effect of Relationships

As this week gets underway, I realize my teenagers and I are headed into a Round 2 kind of week; rather than returning to familiar rhythms and routines, the younger teenager is succumbing to whatever virus the older had last week and is finally shaking. Alas, there...

If at First You Don’t Figure It Out…

I don’t know about you, but there are times I’m in the middle of what seems like it should be a simple project and I find myself simply stymied. My best efforts yield nothing more than additional annoyance at best because I cannot figure out the solution. In those...

The Wholeness of Wellness

Is there anything better than when the mantle of sickness finally begins to lift? After nasal congestion and stuffed-up noses that make sleeping feel impossible and the sapping of energy from several days of feeling less than 100 percent, when the symptoms that have...