They’ve Got the Dish on Me

Let’s talk turkey about being a stay-at-home parent, shall we? It’s not quite so glamorous as those 1950s television shows led me to believe. Okay, nothing led me to believe staying at home as an unschooling homeschooling mom would be glamorous. Even so, it’s not a...

They Are the Rory to My Lorelai

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Gilmore Girls, or maybe binged entire seasons at a time like me, you’ve probably noticed the relationship Lorelai Gilmore has with her daughter, Rory. They are like peas in a pod, best friends, travel buddies, and even a bit of a...

They Are My Cream & Sugar

365 Reasons I Love My Teenagers I am a long-standing coffee drinker; and what I mean by that is that I’ve been drinking coffee for so long now I don’t actually recall when I had that first cup of coffee (note to self, that is something I definitely want to recollect...

Love Steeped in Laughter

Sometime around 2012 or 2013 I undertook a writing project called, Love in Marriage, wherein I catalogued 365 reasons I loved my husband on the premise that love is a choice and not merely a feeling. Those words resonated with many; unfortunately, those words also...