Love in Health & Colds

If you’re married, or if you have ever watched a movie in which two people get married, you are probably familiar with wedding vows, including the line to love one another in sickness and in health. Now, while some vows have morphed over the years, some being dropped...

Story & Characters

As a writer, one of the things I appreciate deeply about my teenagers is their creative writing focus; I love the stories they dabble in and the characters they develop. Those characters take on roles in their stories and in their art, whether on the iPad or in...

The Paths We Get to Travel

Yesterday, as we watched Bohemian Rhapsody for the second time, my oldest teenager pointed out how often I say the scene playing is my favorite—”Oh, this is my favorite scene in the movie,” I said over, and over, and over again. It’s a thing I tend to do apparently,...

Movies, Chicken Soup & Big Magic on Off Days

Today, the hours passed more quickly than I anticipated and with each passing hour I became more and more acutely aware that these words had not been written and this post had not been done and my mind was moving in too many directions to rein in for more than a few...

Hearts on Fire

While I tend to try and limit my time on social media in favor of other activities, like reading or listening to a good book or, even better, working on a writing project, there are definitely times I give in to the desire to scroll somewhat mindlessly through one of...